Male Breast Reduction

Male Breast Reduction in Surat and Gujarat

You don't have to let gynecomastia keep you from feeling confident. With the help of a qualified cosmetic surgeon, you can restore a naturally masculine appearance to your chest. Today's advanced techniques allow for short surgery, rapid recovery and virtually invisible scars.

Male breast reduction is the most effective treatment known for gynecomastia or enlarged male breasts. This cosmetic surgery removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a flatter, firmer, and more masculine contour to the chest.

Due to genetics, the use of certain medicines or other unspecified reasons, some men develop the appearance of enlarged breasts. It is estimated that up to 50 percent of men in the United States experience some degree of gynecomastia in their lives. Gynécomastia can occur at any age, and male breast reduction can be performed safely and successfully on teenagers and adult men alike.

Male breast reduction is one of the easiest cosmetic surgery procedures, but excellent results require a skilled approach that can only come from specialized training and experience. You can consult with Dr. Ashutosh Shah-Certified Plastic Surgeon Board, who can perform the procedure safely and achieve the results you want.

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