Beard Transplant

beard hair transplant

Many men want to grow a thick, full beard. However, not every man can make it happen, and that is why procedures such as beard transplants have grown in popularity. A beard transplant does what your genetics and other factors will not allow you to do. Hair is taken from another part of your body (usually the scalp) and transplanted to your face, or wherever a beard or mustache grows.

Beard transplants, too, have come a long way. Professional beard and hair transplantation facilities abound and technology continues to improve. Even better, you can choose exactly the kind of beard you want. But is it a beard transplant for you? Let's take a closer look, including why your beard isn't as full as you like and possible solutions.

Types of Beard Transplant

The two main types of beard transplants are follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Both include a technique in which surgeons remove hair from the donor area. In an FUE beard transplant, individual hairs are grafted one by one from the donor region and harvested over a larger area. Only small, white circular scars remain behind. The surgeon is usually able to harvest one of every five follicles, but the results vary according to the physician and the quality of the procedure.

FUE is the most common beard transplantation procedure. A FUT transplant involves removing a small strip of tissue from the donor area with a microscopic dissection process. The surgeon then closes the wound edge, leaving only one fine scar behind.

Consult with Dr. Ashutosh Shah from Elegance Clinic in Surat for more details about Beard Transplant.

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